
/ Chap

It's been a while and we are sincerely sorry!

We haven't posted in a while and the simple truth is, we were stuck. Really stuck and too stubborn to write about it.

I think every complex seems a point where you encounter a larger hiccup. Since everything went rather smooth up until now (well April actually) I was expecting it. But I wasn't expecting that.

So what happened? Well, our latest prototypes seezed communicating after about 15 to 30 minutes of operation. Clearly a software issue, no need to write about it, it will be fixed quickly, right? Wrong!

It wasn't a quick fix but it was a fix bit still the situation didn't improve. On the contrary.Board started to fail completely. So a hardware problem, no need to write about it, it will be fixed quickly, right? Wrong!

It wasn't a quick fix either but it was a fix and new boards were produced but still the situation did only improve slightly. Now 80% of the chaps worked well. It turned out to be due to faulty components. So basically all that could go wrong went wrong. But the good news is: We're not stuck anymore. And the new chaps are coming soon. I'll keep you posted!


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